capture "country" info and other data besides "name" and "email"

01 Nov 2010 20:30 #398 by stefanoschiavi

chris wrote: The process goes like this.

1) Create a some extra fields in Community Builder.

2) Go to Joomailer and select them.

3) The data will then be transferred from the CB signup/profile form to Mailchimp.

You only select a type in the groups form if you are using the core signup/profile forms.

Hello Chris
I played around a few times with this but still no success
here is what I do:

I have created an additional filed in CB called "signup to our interest group"
Then I go to joomailer component -> lists -> manage (under the "groups" column)
here I see 3 interest groups that I have already created in mailchimp, and there is no way to edit these ones, I can only delete them

So I create a new one
and from "Assign CommunityBuilder Field" dropdown I select the "signup to our interest group" field I created earlier.
In the group name, I tried typing the name of an existing interest group but it returns an error, so I type the name for a new interest group and everything ok.

But when I then go and register in community builder the interest group is not recorded in mailchimp

I would really appreciate some help on this one.

By the way any news in terms of capturing "name" "last name" "country" from Community Builder?

Thank you very much once again

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07 Nov 2010 13:18 #409 by stefanoschiavi
anyone any idea?
I read that other users found a way to do this
I don't see how to get it to work

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you!

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11 Nov 2010 11:34 #417 by pete
The process goes as follows:
1.) Create a checkbox field in CB with several options, for example: "Sports", options: football, tennis, swimming.
2.) Go into Joomailer - Lists - manage Goups and create a new group by using the CB field you created in step 1.
3.) Go to the plugin manager and edit the Joomailer signup plugin. Select the new interest group you created in step 2 to be displayed.

Kind regards,

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