Module Signup Button does not work

14 Dec 2011 19:15 #2169 by rweiss
I never even changed the message so that this would not be an issue. There aren't any carriage returns in my messages. So, something else is still causing the issue for me.'

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01 Feb 2012 10:21 #2206 by woodstock
Having similar issues here using Joomla 1.5.25. I have disabled the mootools upgrade plugin and got the sign-up module to work, however, I am also using DTRegister for online events registrations and that seems to need mootools upgrade to be enabled otherwise I have problems with pages expanding when form fields are conditional.

Anyone figure out this mootools conflict yet with MailChimp?

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16 Feb 2012 13:27 #2219 by manuelp
Hello Joomlamailer,

I have the same problem. Is there a solution yet? I use a Rockettheme template in and it does not work....


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08 Mar 2012 12:03 #2231 by manuelp
Hello Joomlamailer,

Is it too much to react to this problem that a lot of users have with joomlamailer!?
Is there a solution or not. If not I will try another Mailchimpintegrationmodule...

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21 Mar 2012 01:15 #2237 by alliance
I am also having problems with this. I have checked all the above solutions and none have worked. The website I have intalled this onto is

Joomla version is 1.5.25 - does anyone know of any confilcts?


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21 Mar 2012 14:59 #2238 by manuelp
Also in another site in Joomla 2.5.3. I have the same problem. No respons from the developer at any SUPPORT question in this form. Maybe this is a better extension.

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