Missing $listId when using module

15 Oct 2019 08:36 #2711 by mschristian
We have updated to the latest version but have new issues.

I have created a "Mailchimp Signup" module, selected list-id and other settings. When using it on my Joomla page I get the error (after submitting form via ajax) "JM_BAD_REQUEST (The requested resource could not be found.)"

When analyzing the file "/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/controller.php" I can see that $listId is empty and causing the URL to be "lists//merge-fields?count=200"

Probably it can't find module by title, the modules title is "MailChimp Support Signup New" and the AJAX request sends title "MailChimp+Support+Signup+New"

Does the module work with titles with spaces in them?

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