Issue when trying to cancel a SEND command.

11 Sep 2011 23:18 #2007 by pdxfixit
joomlamailer version: 1.7.2
Joomla! version: 1.7.0
PHP version: 5.3.6
MySQL version: 5.1.56

When preparing a Campaign, before actually sending, if one clicks the SEND button -- a JavaScript CONFIRM() appears.
But if the user chooses "Cancel", the send continues anyway.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a new campaign.
a. Navigate to: J!/administrator/index.php?option=com_joomailermailchimpintegration&view=create
b. Fill out desired settings.
c. Click Save.

2) Prepare Campaign for Sending
a. Turn off "Campaign Test."
b. Choose a Subscriber List to send this Campaign to.

3) Click Send. (the one all alone in the upper right-corner, in the J! Toolbar.)

4) Click "Cancel" in the resulting JavaScript confirm() dialog box.

Observe that the campaign is sent anyway.

Let me know what more info I can provide.

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