Community Builder issue

07 Jul 2011 10:33 #1752 by mcwolf01
joomlamailer version: 1.7.2
Joomla! version: 1.5.23
PHP version: 5.2+
MySQL version: 5+

Hi there,

I get a problem that can not edit CB user in back-end user list when JoomlaMailer is enable. First, I go to back-end -- Components -- Community Builder -- User Management, choose one user and edit, change one filed (any filed) and save. Community Builder will go to its Homepage (CB component homepage) and without saving. Then I disable the plugin of JoomlaMailer. It works.

I met this problem for several sites.

BTW: Community Builder version is 1.2.2 for one site, and 1.4 for others.


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07 Jul 2011 10:37 #1753 by mcwolf01
Replied by mcwolf01 on topic Community Builder issue
Sorry for another issue.

I use Jfusion to link CB and PHPbb3. When I edit my CB profile, there is an error message:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type moscomprofilerUser as array in xxx/plugins/user/jfusion.php on line 594

My Jfusion version is 1.5.5


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08 Jul 2011 15:22 #1755 by pete
Replied by pete on topic Community Builder issue
Hello mcwolf01,

Thanks for reporting that issue. It will be fixed in the next release (1.7.3). To fix it yourself in v1.7.2 please edit the file /plugins/system/joomailermailchimpsignup.php
Replace line 350 - 363 with this line:
$body = str_replace('"save" />', '"save" /><input type="hidden" name="newsletter" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="oldEmail" value="'.$user->email.'" />', $body);

I'm not sure if the jfusion issue is related to joomlamailer. I can't reproduce it. Does it also happen when the joomlamailer signup plugin is disabled?

Kind regards,

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11 Jul 2011 06:29 #1757 by mcwolf01
Replied by mcwolf01 on topic Community Builder issue
Thank you for your reply, I try it on my site and it works.

For Jfusion, I disable CB plugin and JoomlaMailer plugin, the error is still there. I have a test site as same as prod one. One is using JoomlaMailer 1.7.0, another is 1.7.2. So right now I will keep using 1.7.0.

I will post on Jfusion Forum. either.


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12 Jul 2011 13:32 #1772 by pete
Replied by pete on topic Community Builder issue
If you disable the joomlamailer plugins and the error is still there then it's not a joomlamailer related error. I'm sure the guys at the JFusion forum will help you with that.

Kind regards,

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12 Sep 2011 21:20 #2008 by wrongjon
Replied by wrongjon on topic Community Builder issue
Hi Pete

Have just installed Joomlailer 1.7.2 on to Joomla 1.5 with Community Builder 1.2 and when i enable the plugins i get the same issue as described above when trying to edit and save CB user in backend.

Server error log shows PHP Fatal error: Cannot use object of type moscomprofilerUser as array in /home/u36636961/public_html/plugins/user/acasyncuser.php on line 48

I checked that plugin file you said to amend but on lines 350 and it doesnt seem to be a similar line to replace as there are lots of commented out body replace lines.....

Any ideas?


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13 Sep 2011 14:02 #2012 by pete
Replied by pete on topic Community Builder issue
Hello jonathan,

The error you mentioned is thrown by the acasyncuser.php plugin (Acajoom). If you decided to use joomlamailer you shoul disable the acajoom plugin. This should fix the error.
You can also change the plugin order so that the acajoom plugin is above joomlamailer. This might work as well.

Kind regards,

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07 Oct 2011 07:55 #2041 by blanderson
Replied by blanderson on topic Community Builder issue
I'm having the same issue as the first post. When the CB plugin - joomlamailer CB Signup is enabled and I try to edit a user account from the backend I either get a 500 internal server error or I'm returned to the CB control panel and the record isn't saved. I tried the posted fix of replacing lines 350 - 363 but that didn't work and like another poster mentioned, the lines of code didn't seem to match up well to what was to be replaced.

Here is what I tried. I replaced:
$body = str_replace('"'.$option.'"', '"com_joomailermailchimpsignup"', $body); $body = str_replace('"save" />', '"mcsave" /><input type="hidden" name="ext" value="'.$option.'" />', $body); $body = str_replace("javascript: submitbutton('save')","javascript: submitbutton('mcsave')",$body); @todo: fix the script below so that it redirects properly on cancel $script = "if ($(this).attr('href') === 'save') {" ."\nvar taskVal = 'mcsave';" ."\n} else {" ."\nvar taskVal = $(this).attr('href');" ."\ndocument.adminForm.option.value='com_comprofiler';" ."\ndocument.adminForm.task.value='save';" ."\n}"; $body = str_replace('var taskVal = $(this).attr(\'href\').substring(1);',$script,$body);

with the following:
$body = str_replace('"save" />', '"save" /><input type="hidden" name="newsletter" value="1" /><input type="hidden" name="oldEmail" value="'.$user->email.'" />', $body);

but that didn't fix the problem. Also, you mention that this will be fixed in a new version but your post is from several months ago. Is a fix available? Thank you.

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06 Dec 2011 16:16 #2147 by 3by400
Replied by 3by400 on topic Community Builder issue
We made the above post (by blanderson) back in October and still have not received a response. We tried applying the suggested fix as stated in the above post and that didn't fix the issue. If we have the Joomlamailer CB plugin enabled, and we try to edit a CB user in the backend and save the record we get a blank screen. Has version 1.7.3 been released yet that will fix this issue as stated in your post from July 8, 2011? Thank you.

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31 Aug 2012 16:36 #2326 by securepro
Replied by securepro on topic Community Builder issue
Has there been any resolution to this?
I installed JoomlaMailer on CommunityBuilder and confirm the same failures as described here in October.
JoomlaMailer looks like the premier interface between Joomla and MailChimp but I can't use it as it sits today.

The latest blog post announces joomlamailer for Joomla 1.7. That tells me that this is probably a dead extension.

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