There are many events around the world for Joomla! enthusiasts to take part of. J!Days and J!UGs are a plenty, but there are also two special events that are filled with a particularly high density of interesting people. CMS Expo, being in Chicago, caters primarily to North Americans. JandBeyond is happening at a different venue this year, in Kerkarde, Netherlands. Centrally located, this location offers easy connections for travelers from all around Europe and beyond.

If you decide to come you will be able to meet a lot of the guys behind the popular joomla clubs on the web. Brian Teeman, Nick Dyonisipolous, Amy Stephen's and Joomlart's Dinh Hung will be at JandBeyond, whereas Rockettheme's Andy Miller can be met at CMS Expo. We are all too excited to be able to send some guys from our team to both events.

This post is probably most appropriate on this site, because all our presentations tie in one way or another with the MailChimp integration. You could say that our life has been quite chimpy lately.

As silver sponsors at the CMSexpo we will have a booth where you can visit us. It will be manned by Eddie Abner as well as Ken Lyle who will be presenting for us the joomlamailer integration.

At JandBeyond you can meet Alexis Sotir and Daniel Dimitrov. Not only are we bronze sponsors with a booth at JAB this year, but we also got two presentation slots, which will be presented by Alexis.